Wanton in the Wild West Page 2
Maisie looked at Amber, and Amber scowled back. Her friend was such a hypocrite. All that stuff and nonsense about staying pure for a husband. Where did it get you? If you were lucky, you got wed to a kindly gent who’d make you a nice home and not get drunk every night at the saloon with the whores. If not … the alternative made her shudder.
Nope. Getting wed was not high on her agenda, and even though she knew that it was that or life as an old maid, she really wanted to focus on living and experiencing here and now. She’d seen what had happened to her mother at the hands of her husband, and no man was going to rule her like that.
Not ever.
She’d have her fun and give her heart to no man.
“It’s fine!” Amber said. “I’ll not go far!”
With that she flounced along the carriage and towards the door where a grimy looking cowboy was handing the women down onto the side of the track.
Amber nodded her thanks at the cowboy then began marching away from the train. She was so mad she could pop! Maisie was her good friend and she cared about her deeply, but at times she found her infuriating. If Maisie didn’t take care she’d fall into the arms of the first man to propose to her, and if she got really unlucky, he’d be a wastrel who’d break her heart.
Love and devotion. Hell, marriage was for fools! Why shouldn’t she just throw caution to the wind and have some fun?
Her Granny’s voice nagged at the back of her mind, warning her about why not. Fun was what had gotten her mother into the family way by a married man, her own daddy. He’d denied all responsibility, and when Amber had been born, her mother had rushed into marriage to the first man who’d have her. It had been a big mistake. She had fallen head over heels for the rich prospector who’d seemed fine and dandy. A regular hero he’d been, taking on a wanton woman with a bastard child.
At first. But he’d been hiding a darkness of his own. He’d enjoyed beating her mother and hurting her in the most awful ways. Amber could still hear her muffled cries of pain. The cries her mother had struggled in vain to keep from her little girl. They haunted Amber’s dreams, never far away. It fired her determination to stay single, to stay away from love.
Yet there lay her major contradiction. For she did want to be with a man, to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Though she’d vowed to avoid loving a man, she hadn’t vowed to avoid lying with one. She knew that a woman had to be careful about conceiving and all that. Her Granny had been pretty blunt about it, and she’d learnt from the girls in Chicago that a child could be made when a man and woman coupled. But she’d also learnt that it could be avoided if you took the right precautions. Amber had every intention of being careful, but she also fully intended on having a good time.
As soon as possible.
Before she arrived home in Deadwood if she was offered the opportunity.
Chapter Two
As she waded through the long grass, the heat of the afternoon sun beat down on Amber’s head, and she cursed her own stupidity at leaving her bonnet on the train. The crickets chirped happily, hidden from human sight, and the whorled milkweed flowers sprang greenish-white from their long stems. Amber was careful to lift her skirts away from the toxic flowers to avoid getting their pale pollen over the dark satin. Such a shame that such a pretty flower could be so dangerous to livestock. It was a warning that appearances could be deceptive. Just like her handsome step-daddy.
She shuddered and hurried on.
The tracks had been built at the top of a small hill, and Amber had chosen to walk down rather than up, thinking that it would be easier with her still feeling a bit woozy and all.
“Wait up, Miss Carpenter!”
“Dammit!” She cursed under her breath, realizing that Harry Delaney was hot on her heels. Well, he could chase her if he wanted.
He caught up with her and fell in step.
“Why’re you in such a hurry?”
“I’m just…” A bead of sweat trickled down between her breasts. “I’m just hot is all, and I need to sit in the shade.” Her lower lip trembled, and she bit it hard. What was wrong with her? This man, something about him, made her feel all soft and vulnerable. There seemed to be such kindness in his eyes that she wanted to fling herself into his arms and cry on his shoulder. To feel his strong hands rub her back and soothe away her doubts and fears. About everything.
She bit her lip harder.
“Well there’s none near the train.” He looked around. “You’ll have to walk a bit further. I’ll come with you.”
“There’s really no need.” She spoke through gritted teeth. She knew that she shouldn’t wander off alone. It was far too dangerous. She could get attacked by a rogue band of men or a wild animal or fall and hurt herself and be unable to return to the train. And she wanted Harry to accompany her. She hoped that he wouldn’t listen to her whilst cursing her own weakness for wanting his company.
“Perhaps it’s best if I do though.” Harry spoke as if to himself. “To be on the safe side.”
Amber nodded and continued walking.
When they reached the trees at the bottom of the banking, Amber realized that with the position of the sun, there would be no shade this side of them for several hours.
“How long d’ya think they’ll be fixing the track?” She shaded her eyes with her hand, which was trembling. She hoped that Harry hadn’t noticed.
“They’ll be while yet, no doubt. But don’t worry, Miss Carpenter. They’ll do a head count before they set off again.” Harry gave a half smile.
“Oh.” Amber sniffed. “Well it’s too hot to sit here.”
“We’ll have to go around the other side.” He gestured at an area where the trees thinned out enough to find a way through.
Amber nodded, but as she took another step, she stumbled. Harry’s hand was suddenly under her arm supporting her, and his other arm curled around her waist. His body was warm against her side, and the hand beneath her arm grazed the side of her breast. Her nipples hardened. Her body betrayed her with its dramatic response.
“Miss Carpenter,” Harry breathed, gazing at her face. His eyes twinkled golden, emerald, and brown, and she saw her face reflected in their centers. It was as if she were sinking into his eyes, becoming one with his soul, as if her soul recognized his.
Her head swam as his face moved towards hers, and her knees trembled as his lips brushed softly against her own. His mouth was warm and soft, and she liked how it felt.
“Mr. Delaney.” She licked her lips. “We mustn’t.” She could hardly breathe.
“No one can see over here,” he whispered.
Amber exhaled shakily. “Are you sure?”
He nodded. “They’re all busy. But … why don’t we go through there?” He pointed at the opening in the trees.
Amber glanced back at the train, and sure enough, no one was looking in their direction. People were milling around, seeking shade, water, or somewhere to relieve themselves.
No one need ever know.
This was her chance to confirm to herself all that she already knew, to live up to the promise she had made to herself. She would give her body to whomever she chose but never her heart. There was no real risk. After all, Maisie would sound the alarm if she didn’t return soon. The thought of her friend made her blood boil, and she squared her shoulders.
“Yes, let’s!”
“Are you sure that you want to?” Harry’s heat seared through her clothing as he guided her through the trees.
“Want to what?” Amber thought that she knew what he was asking, but she had to be sure. Her heart pounded so loudly that she felt sure that he must be able to hear it, too.
“To…” He turned her in his arms and gazed into her eyes. “I mean … you’re so pretty and … and pure. With that silky black hair and your sparkling blue eyes you could win any man you wanted.”
Amber smiled. “Really?”
“Hell yeah!” He grinned. “Any man would count his lucky stars to
take a woman like you to wife.”
Amber felt her heart sinking. “To wife?”
“Well, yeah. Isn’t that what you women want? To be a wife and mother?”
Amber chewed her lower lip. “It’s what some women want. And it’s what Maisie wants, but…”
He tilted her chin with his finger and rubbed his calloused thumb over her mouth. “Not you?”
Amber laughed and waved her hand dismissively. “Not just yet.” Not ever!
“So what do you want?” He pressed his thumb between her lips now, gently grazing her front teeth. The movement was so intimate that Amber felt the flame of heat flicker wantonly in her pussy. She nipped at his thumb feeling the nail and flesh against her teeth. Hard and soft, tough and vulnerable.
Just like her.
“I’d like to know…” She summoned her resolve. “I want to know … what happens between a man and a woman.”
Harry’s eyebrows shot up. “Now?”
Amber nodded, heat flooding her cheeks and her body.
“You’d like me to teach you?” Harry’s voice had risen.
Amber nodded.
“It’ll be my pleasure.” His grin lit up his face, and Amber’s heart fluttered like an excited butterfly. He was so handsome and seemed so sweet and kind yet so incredibly male. He was perfect for what she wanted. She had to do this now.
Harry reached for her hand and led her quickly through the trees, as if afraid that she would change her mind.
They emerged into a clearing next to a river. The water flowed quietly, almost lazily, its surface sparkling in the afternoon sunshine. The summer flowers created a colorful carpet of blue, yellow, and pink upon the river bank, and the trees overhead offered a welcome shelter from the burning rays of the sun. Amber breathed deeply of the fresh, earthy scent of the riverbank mingling with the sweetness of the flowers. It was a beautiful, tranquil spot. A perfect place for a lesson in love.
As Harry took her gently into his arms, Amber realized that once she’d done this, there would be no going back. Just like the water couldn’t flow back up stream.
Harry’s heart thundered against his ribs. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was used to escorting ladies of all ages across America when their own menfolk were either dead or unable to accompany them, and it made him and Gideon a good living. But when they’d collected the beautiful Amber Carpenter and her pretty, slender companion from Chicago, he had been struck by Amber’s beauty, and he knew Gideon had, too.
She was striking, with her sleek black hair, which tumbled like an ebony waterfall to her waist, and her luminous sapphire eyes, which sparkled with mischief and promise. But it wasn’t just physical attraction. There was something about her that differed from other women of her age. She wasn’t needy. She didn’t exude a desperation to be wed as soon as the cock crowed. It was refreshing. It made her more alluring, even fascinating. He did wonder why she didn’t want these things, but then people were different. She kind of set him off kilter and made him feel wobbly. If he was totally honest, everything about Amber Carpenter made him feel wobbly.
Lust was one thing, and he could deal with that. He knew where he was—see an attractive woman, get erect, seduce her if she was willing, and get it out of his system.
Rule number one: do not get attached. But with Amber, he already knew that it was more than lust. He was interested in her, in who she was and who she would one day become. She was still so young with so much ahead of her, so many new experiences to enjoy. Yet she seemed to have made a decision about her own fate. Harry wasn’t entirely sure about the details, but he was keen to find out more.
Harry looked into her eyes framed with thick dark lashes, and realization dawned like the rays of the sun breaking through the clouds. He had to make sure that she knew what she was doing. Hell, everyone knew that few brides were intact on their wedding nights. He doubted that many men expected it, and as so many womenfolk rode horses astride now, it was more difficult to tell anyway. But if Amber really was an innocent, then he wanted to prepare her for what was to come. He didn’t want to be taking advantage. If she wasn’t ready then he wouldn’t be the one to push her.
His pa had spoken to him in his youth about the importance of treating a lady with respect, whether she be whore or grandmother, and that was what Harry always aimed to do, in day to day life as much as in bed. But now he was here with this beautiful young woman, and he wanted to know that she wanted him as much as he did her. He couldn’t take her if she didn’t want him to. He’d never hurt a woman, and he never would. Hell, he’d been keen to settle as soon as he could, and that was why things had gone so wrong back in Montana.
The familiar ache erupted in his chest, and he swallowed hard. He’d vowed to try to forget, or at least to avoid talking about it anymore, for Gideon’s sake as much as his own. Things could go so wrong if you weren’t careful.
But this was different. This was about here and now, and he had a chance to make love to a beautiful woman who wanted nothing more than that. Better with him, he reasoned, than some fool who might hurt her. He’d be gentle, take his time, treat her body like the temple it so clearly was. He just had to remember to hold back his feelings. He mustn’t get involved, though he knew that it would be hard when his emotions were already threatening to betray him.
“Miss Carpenter?” He took a step towards her. “Do you know what happens between a man and a woman?” At the thought, his cock hardened.
She blinked rapidly then raised her eyes to meet his. “I have some idea.”
“And this is your first time?” His stomach flipped as he said the words. Should he really be considering this?
Could he take her then leave her in Deadwood? He didn’t know. Should he tell her how he’d felt since the first moment he laid eyes on her? It might scare her away. Thing was, he knew that Gideon had seen something in her, too. His lover’s eyes had lit up when he’d first seen Amber, and it had lifted his own heart. He wanted desperately for Gideon to be happy. They’d been through so much together. Wasn’t it time for them to be happy? Life was so short and so damned unfair.
Amber nodded. “It is my first time. I’ve never done this before.”
“Well, I don’t have to … uh, I can make love to you without taking your virginity.” Maybe that would be best. Give her a taste of lovemaking without taking too much from her.
Amber stared at him wide-eyed.
“You can?”
“Uh huh.” His cock pressed hard against his clothing, and she glanced down at it. He smiled at the widening of her eyes.
“I’ve never seen one.” Amber pointed at his groin. “A … cock!” She slapped her hand over her mouth and giggled.
“But you’d like to?”
She nodded vigorously. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks pink. Harry followed the trail of the blush down her throat to where it disappeared beneath her purple satin jacket. He bet that flush spread right across her chest, covering her collar bones and her cleavage like a rosy blanket.
He took a deep breath then began to strip. He undid his gun belt and gently laid it on the ground. Then he pulled off his dusty boots and socks before removing his shirt and trousers. Amber stood still, her hands clasped together, watching his every movement.
Was that hunger in her eyes?
“And those?” She squeaked, pointing at his Stetson and his underwear. “Will you take those off, too?”
He felt an unwonted wave of shyness wash over him. He’d undressed in front of women before and had nothing to be ashamed of, but with Amber, this time, it felt different. Damn these confusing feelings. Why couldn’t he be like Gideon? Since Montana, since it all went wrong, he’d seen how Gideon dealt with women on many occasions. He was respectful yet distant, hot yet cool. He drove women wild with his touch and his attention, but he still got up and left them the next day with Harry trailing in his wake. Gideon didn’t get attached. And Harry hadn’t … not since, at least until now.
br /> “Please?” Amber swayed on her feet and reached down and gripped her skirt, her damp fingers leaving little imprints on the purple satin. She looked like she was waiting to be presented with a gift, and he didn’t want to disappoint her. “Take them off.”
“Whatever the lady wants!” He dropped his Stetson on top of the pile of clothes then slipped his arms from the sleeves of his union suit and slid it down to the floor. When he straightened up, Amber was staring at him, her mouth open and her hands fluttering over her chest.
“Oh my!” She gasped.
Harry rested his hands on his hips and turned from side to side. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s swell!” She giggled, and she moved towards him.
Amber couldn’t take her eyes from Harry’s naked form. The sketches in Miss Claudia’s book hadn’t prepared her for this. The broad shoulders looked even bigger without his shirt, and his chest was smooth and tanned. Small light brown nipples pointed out from bulging pectoral muscles. His stomach rippled when he moved from side to side, and as he turned, she admired how his tight ass curved up from his muscular thighs. She had a sudden urge to sink her teeth into his flesh.
She had never seen a naked man before, and she realized now how different men and women really were. Her own body, and those of the young women she’d been with, was soft and smooth. It was hairless except for the ebony curls on her pussy and the fluff beneath her arms. But Harry had thick hairy legs and white blond hairs on his forearms, which caught the light as he moved. A long line of hair also snaked downwards from his bellybutton to his cock as if put there deliberately to point to his glorious member. He reminded her of a drawing of a Greek god in a history book in school. He was glorious, good, kind, strong, sexy.
But what was his flaw? Every man was flawed. There had to be something wrong with him, a secret he was hiding that could break her heart, her body, or even her mind. She shuddered and shrugged the thought away. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t committing to him. This was just about here and now. It was physical.